Spartagen XT review

Spartagen XT Review: Give Wings to Your Youth

Written By : Rohit Dwivedi, M.D.   ✓ Fact Checked

Activate your younger and more dynamic self with the magic of Spartagen XT. Learn more about this sensational testosterone booster in this review.

(Last Updated on July 30, 2024)

Ever man’s testosterone production hits the peak at around 15 to 25 years.

But, it starts to decline by age 30 and after that at the rate of 1 to 2 percent with increasing age.

We may experience this issue differently, but the truth is that it will eventually catch up with all of us.

This decline may affect sex drive, stamina, muscle growth, physical performance, weight, energy, and bone density.

Fortunately, there are various testosterone boosters in the market that claim to balance your testosterone levels.

Spartagen XT is a herbal-based testosterone booster that promises to boost free T-levels in the body, enhance libido, and leave you feeling energized.

The manufacturer claims that this is the only T-booster that contains the Red Magic, potent libido booster.

How efficient is it?

Let’s find out in this Spartagen XT review.

What Is Spartagen XT?

Spartagen XT is a dietary supplement that offers advanced testosterone support.

It increases the production of testosterone levels and enhances blood flow to support lean muscle growth.

Here are its benefits:

  • Increases energy levels
  • Enhances stamina and sexual drive
  • Promotes stronger erections
  • Boosts lean muscle growth
  • Improves sleep
  • Boosts sexual confidence
  • Support physical performance
  • Reduce belly fat

It is manufactured by Edge Bioactives; an FDA registered facility based in the USA.

Spartagen XT Ingredients

Spartagen XT ingredients list

Spartagen contains a unique combination of natural ingredients.

Let’s have an in-depth analysis of each component.

Proprietary Testosterone Activation Stack (290mg)

Tribulus Extract (fruit)
Tribulus extract has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to reduce inflammation, enhance libido, and maintain a healthy urinary tract. Tribulus has been seen to, reduce cholesterol, regulate blood sugar, and protect blood vessels. Some animal studies show that Tribulus may boost testosterone and nitric oxide synthesis. However, in a review of 12 studies involving men and women aged 14-60, Tribulus did not increase testosterone.1
Tongkat Ali Extract (root)
Tongkat Ali Extract boosts free testosterone by binding itself to Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) preventing it from binding to testosterone. When SHBG combines to testosterone, it makes it useless in the body. Additionally, studies support that it enhances symptoms of late-onset hypogonadism, reduces cortisol levels, improves semen quality, increases muscle mass, and enhances sexual performance.2

Proprietary Sex Drive Amplification Matrix (440mg)

Asian Ginseng extracts (whole plant)
Studies show that ginseng increases sexual performance, boosts libido, enhances cognitive function, and reduces inflammation. Apart from being an aphrodisiac, ginseng is a potent energy booster. It reduces fatigue and stimulates both physical and mental energy.3
Maca Root
Maca enhances libido, improve semen quality,boosts semen production, enhance performance and increase strength. Additionally, it helps bodybuilders to gain lean muscle mass, enhance endurance, and boosts energy levels.4
Chrysin is a flavonoid that offers various health benefits, including anti-inflammation effects and better cognitive abilities. Laboratory research supports that it may boosts testosterone production, and enhance sperm quality and movement, thus improving male fertility.

Minerals and Vitamins

Vitamin D (4000 IU)
Vitamin D promotes stronger bones and boosts testosterone levels. A recent study published in the International Journal of Endocrinology shows that men who were supplemented with Vitamin D had increased levels of testosterone, better erectile function, and overall improved sexual performance. It is also essential in boosting muscle growth, cutting unnecessary fat, increasing strength, and boosting the immune system.
Vitamin E (80 IU)
Vitamin E is commonly referred to as the sex vitamin. It improves blood flow and oxygen to the reproductive organs, hence, improving erections and sexual performance. Additionally, it boosts vitality, increases energy, and lowers bad cholesterol.
Vitamin B6 (12mg)
Vitamin B6 enhances libido by controlling high levels of prolactin. High levels of prolactin reduce testosterone levels. Additionally, vitamins B6 increases energy, improves erectile dysfunction, and regulates T-levels.
Magnesium (50mg)
Magnesium improves exercise performance, boosts free testosterone levels, increases strength, and aid post-workout recovery.5
Zinc (30mg)
Zinc supports the production of testosterone levels, boosts energy levels, and enhance mood.6

How Does Spartagen XT Work?

Spartagen XT contains a combination of natural ingredients that focus on controlling prolactin.

Research shows that high levels of prolactin reduce the production of testosterone. It interferes with the secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone, which leads to a decline in testosterone.

Also, the product makes the most of The Red Magic Sex Drive Amplification Matrix, which focuses on boosting testosterone without altering prolactin and estrogen levels.

Other vitamins and minerals provide the body with nutrients that enhance sex drive, increase libido, improve endurance, and promote optimal health.

How To Use Spartagen XT?

The manufacturer recommends that 2 capsules should be taken in the morning with breakfast every day.

Users should expect results after 2-3 weeks, although results vary among individuals.

Are There Any Spartagen XT Side Effects?

Spartagen XT side effects

The company writes on the official website that there are no reported side effects.

However, we found the following reported side effects:

  • Urinary retention
  • High levels of vitamin B6
  • High blood pressure

Here is one review that might be helpful.

Bob Wood was unable to urinate following the use of Spartagen XT. He writes on Highya:

I have a condition called BPH (at least 10 years). I took my first Spartagen XT capsule on Monday, August 22, 2016. I took my second and third capsules on Tuesday, August 23. On Wednesday morning, August 24, I was unable to urinate. I visited the local health center and had a catheter inserted to relieve my bladder. The local health center described my condition as urinary retention. I firmly believe that urinary retention was the result of taking 3 capsules of Spartagen XT. There were no other changes in my diet during this period.

Is Spartagen XT A Scam?

Spartagen XT is not a scam.

But, there are little details about the manufacturer; the company is not listed on the Better Business Bureau.

Also, there are a few complaints against the manufacturer due to automatically charging users every month.

Spartagen XT Reviews: What People Say About This Product?

There are a few customer reviews online.

Of 47 customer reviews on Highya, 17 percent are giving it 5 stars with an overall rating of 1.9 stars out of 5 stars.

Take a look at what some customers had to say.

Let’s start with the negative reviews.

Paddy writes on Highya:

I have been taking the Spartagen XT, as recommended, for one year. In my opinion, this product is junk and dangerous. In the time that I have been using this product, my testosterone has not changed from 11.4, and FTE has remained at 244. Instead, my Vitamin B6 has soared to 2,180 (the normal range is between 20 and 190). My physician told me that in all his years of practice, he has never seen such a high number. I am not taking any other supplements.

Greg Brock incurred extra charges without his consent. He says on Highya:

This company has charged my credit card $500 for services eight months after I ordered the garbage pills. I called into their terrible customer services, and they transferred me five times before I was told that they can’t help me and that it’s just part of the deal. Buyer beware! I will contact the BBB and a Lawyer. Do not purchase the Spartagen XT pills; they do not work.

What about positive reviews?

Shawn Patrick experienced better workouts and better sex drive. He reports on Highya:

I started taking this product about 3 weeks ago. Since taken it over the past 3 weeks, I have had better workouts, a better personality, and a much better and stronger sex drive. When I say better personality, I mean I feel happier and more upbeat, maybe because I am not as sluggish as I’ve been in the past. The downfall is the price is a bit up there. I’m feeling great while taken it so far. I will look into bottle number two. I’m looking more in shape as well, maybe because I have more energy at the gym.

Tom states that it did benefit him. Here are his thoughts on Highya:

OK, I know there are a lot of negative reviews because people are expecting a new penis or something. However, I am 60, and I found that I have had a difference in my sexual drive and desire. Definitely an increase in both. I did not specifically test for free testosterone recently. I can only say that a year ago I tested for it and it was within adequate range. I would anticipate that with this supplement it increased because of the results.

Spartagen XT: Packages, Pricing and Where to Buy

spartagen xt official website

Spartagen XT is available on the official website:

Each bottle contains 60 capsules.

How much does it cost?

  • 1 bottle (a month-supply): $69.00 | Savings: $30.95
  • 3 bottles (3-month supply): $177.00 | Savings: $122.85
  • 6 bottles (6 month supply): $294.00 | Savings: 305.70

Every purchase is accompanied by 5 bonuses which include the following e-books:

  • Kama Sutra – The Lost Chapter
  • Spartan 300 Top Secret Workout
  • Healthy, Happy and Hung
  • SuperStar Stamina
  • 33 innocent Words Turn Her On

The company also offers ‘Keep Your Edge ‘Digital membership where the user is automatically billed $79.00 every month until they cancel the membership.

Shipping and handling fee applies.

Money Back Guarantee and Refund Policy

The company offers a 90-day money back guarantee.

They allow users to return an empty bottle and get a refund.

Spartagen XT Pros and Cons


  • Certified Testofen free.
  • Tested for purity and quality.
  • Contains natural ingredients.


  • The company does not explain how the product addresses prolactin.
  • Few customer reviews.
  • Lack of scientific evidence to support claims.
  • Lack of company details.

Spartagen XT Review: Should You Buy It?

Spartagen XT has been seen to improve stamina, sex drive, and energy levels.

However, there are minimal reports on boosting testosterone.

All the same, results vary among individuals, especially when combined with diet and a workout routine.

Consult a physician if this is the right supplement for your testosterone needs.

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